Animal Rescue Force of South Florida, Inc.
5115 South Dixie Highway
West Palm Beach, Fl 33405
(561) 586-2126
Needs Foster   |  Special Needs   |  Cats: 35

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Animal Success Stories
Have you adopted from us? E-mail a picture and an update on your adopted companion to and we'll post it here in our success stories.  You can also share it with us on our Facebook page.  We'd love to hear from you!

Please visit our Success Stories page to read all of our stories!

My name is Jason and my daughter Tessa and I adopted Kaden in 2011. Since then Kaden has been the most well behaved and amazing friend my daughter and I could ever have. He instantly became attached, especially to my daughter who he has become very protective of. All of our friends and family who come to visit have all fallen in love with him just as much as we have. When our family comes from New Jersey to visit they always make sure to bring Kaden toys and treats because he has stolen all our hearts. All we wants is to be loved and never to be left alone. He follows us wherever we go, even if it's just to the next room for a minute. He is just the best dog a family could ever have.