Please Note: This animal is listed as a courtesy to another organization. Please be sure to contact the foster/caretaker for more information about him.
Brazen and Holly were sad to lose their owner last month, and have been looking for a new home. They have lived a pampered life and are in excellent health. Their shots are current, and they come with their own toys, cat tree, and their food. They must be adopted together.
Brazen is a 2 year old male with LOTS of personality! He loves to play and jump in your lap and is very affectionate and active. Brazen was rescued in 2019.
Holly is a 13 year old female tabby who likes to sleep and chill. She is a very nice cat and likes to keep to herself. Holly was rescued in 2007.
Brazen and Holly are not in the care of Animal Rescue Force; they are listed here as a courtesy to the family looking for a new home for them. Please call the number listed at the bottom of this description.
Please contact Ray at 561-703-4302 or Miguel at 561-278-6132 to help these babies find a new home!
Other Pictures of zz - Brazen and Holly (click to see larger version):
Currently we do not know if zz - Brazen and Holly will be able to attend the event, A.R.F. Cat Adoptions on Sunday, September 22nd, 2024.
Currently we do not know if zz - Brazen and Holly will be able to attend the event, A.R.F. Cat Adoptions on Sunday, September 29th, 2024.
Currently we do not know if zz - Brazen and Holly will be able to attend the event, A.R.F. Cat Adoptions on Sunday, October 6th, 2024.
Currently we do not know if zz - Brazen and Holly will be able to attend the event, A.R.F. Cat Adoptions on Sunday, October 13th, 2024.